About Ellie and Mac
My greatest wish for you, is to dream big, create fearlessly and go after the things that bring you and those around you joy!
I found my love of designing and sewing when I had my first daughter, Aubrey. I wanted her to wear cute, boutique-style clothing, but I couldn't afford it. I decided to ask for a sewing machine for Christmas and proceeded to teach myself to sew.
Along the way, I realized that I had something special about putting fabrics together, and I loved the adorable creations I was making.
I began selling clothing online with the encouragement of family and friends. I learned new and better ways to make them each day and continued to grow my business. Ten years later, having a successful business, I wanted to give back. I decided to offer sewing patterns for the dresses I sold in my boutique for those who couldn't afford them. Keeping patterns affordable for everyone is a huge passion and the inspiration for my weekly sale. I wanted to give back to where it all began for me.
From there, I was hooked. Designing sewing patterns was so fun, and I found that the more I worked at learning how to draft patterns, the better I became at it. I have been designing patterns since 2012, and there is nothing I love more.

Thank you to my mother for telling me that I had a gift to offer the world. To my grandmother for always doing art projects with me and instilling the love of music and crafting deep within me. To my husband for his constant support of my dreams and encouraging me to see beyond what I see as possible. To all of you, who make what I do possible by supporting my work.

Chief Executive Officer, Pattern Designer
Hi there! I am Manda, currently writing to you from the Netherlands. I live here with my husband and daughter, who are pretty amazing!
Growing up I loved all things creative and I tried out a lot of hobbies. The main one that stuck is…sewing….of course! What a great way to relax and enjoy yourself, while creating something that you can wear or use. It brings me so much joy to see my daughter running around in something me-made (do you recognize that feeling?).
After getting my degree in Business Management & Economics, I’ve worked for over 15 years in several jobs in Management & HR Consultancy.
When my daughter turned two, I discovered sewing. I borrowed my mothers old Elna sewing machine and sewed a play mat.
The Aubrey Dress Pattern brought me to Ellie & Mac. The designs, the instructions and the positive and supportive community made me stay. After spending some time as pattern tester and moderator, I have worked a few years as Lindsey’s Personal Assistant and Executive Manager.
I am very happy that I got the chance to develop myself further to Pattern Designer and CEO. This is the place where my background in management comes together with my creative passion.
Working for Ellie & Mac brings something new every day, and I love the diversity in tasks and people. Lindsey is such a beautiful and talented person! I love being involved in this amazing company and to have the chance to work with the best team!

Pattern Designer
Hi, I am Marieke and I live in the Netherlands with my husband and our four kids. Two boys from 14 and 10 and two girls, they are 7 and 5 years old.
My husband is from Germany and after the birth of our second son, we decided to move to Germany and I became a stay at home mum. Although I was happy with that opportunity and life was busy, after the birth from my youngest I needed something for myself.
I bought a sewing machine spontaneously and I never stopped sewing. The day I was searching on Facebook if there maybe was a sewing group…well, my life changed... Ellie and Mac was one of the first PDF pattern companies I got to know and I was hooked. Not only because of the diversity of the great patterns, also because of the community. It was like a warm bath. I started testing for EAM pretty quick after joining the group, got my papers at the Burda Academy and now I am a Burda advanced teacher too.
I love to help other people and take the time for every question. My goal is to make people proud at themselves. A little bit over a year ago we moved back to the Netherlands again and slowly after a rough time we all are feeling settled. I am lucky to be part of the team. We are the faces of the company which is a big responsibility too. I love we can bring people joy at sewing, they learn and are happy with their makings. I am happy to see members growing in their skills and are getting confidence more and more. I love to see EAM growing every day and I am excited for everything what is coming next!

Pattern Tutorial Writer, Pattern Designer & Photographer
Hi, y’all! I’m Lakeisha! I’m a stay-at-home mama to a 10 and 3-year-old girl and boy, living with my husband in Tennessee. I taught myself to sew when our daughter was 2, but I was active duty Navy at the time and didn’t have much time to learn the craft. 6 years later, after our son was born, I started itching to sew again and dusted off the machines. I slowly reintroduced myself by making burp rags, blankets, bibs and small things like that. In 2017, my husband surprised me with a serger, after hearing me talk about knit fabrics for far too long. In 2018, I fell into the world of PDF patterns and online fabric groups and my true love for creation revealed itself to me. I first tested for Ellie and Mac in August 2018 and absolutely fell in love with the process and all of the patterns. My entire family loves and fits the patterns well, so let’s just say that our closets have grown substantially since then.
I do a little of everything around here. You’ve probably seen myself or family in patterns from testing. I help moderate the Facebook group, I help photograph steps and write pattern tutorials. I also compile the beautiful tester photos in the group albums for everyone to see. I am in awe of what Lindsey has created, and I can’t envision a better, more accepting, more respectful, more inclusive and diverse team to be a part of. I’m so, incredibly honored to be here and share my passion for sewing, as well as to learn, be inspired, and grow alongside y’all!

My name is Diana Austin. I am a military wife, a mother to a 7 year old boy, a Spanish/Art teacher, a JV Cheer coach, a youth leader at our church and a full time lover of all things crafty... sewing being my number one!!! I love a busy life so last summer (when teachers are bored to death) I decided to give this sewing thing a try. Boy am I happy I did! With the help of the internet and Ellie and Mac's super easy to follow patterns, my skills have grown so much!
I am now in charge of the video department at Ellie and Mac (so you get to see my face on the amazing sew-alongs, hehe) I test patterns and help monitor our Facebook page. I love working with Lindsey, she is such a lovely person inside and out and her patterns are the literal bomb... are they not!!!?? I love being part of the Ellie and Mac team so much. Every one is so encouraging and loving. Women building each other up, women learning from each other and making a better world! What else could we ask for!?
I am looking forward to seeing what is in store as this company keeps growing and I am so glad I get to come along for the ride. please continue to share your projects with us because all your lovely makes are such an inspiration to get out there and make... make beautiful things with my own hands!
The Aubrey Dress Pattern brought me to Ellie & Mac. The designs, the instructions and the positive and supportive community made me stay. After spending some time as pattern tester and moderator, I have worked a few years as Lindsey’s Personal Assistant and Executive Manager.
I am very happy that I got the chance to develop myself further to Pattern Designer and CEO. This is the place where my background in management comes together with my creative passion.
Working for Ellie & Mac brings something new every day, and I love the diversity in tasks and people. Lindsey is such a beautiful and talented person! I love being involved in this amazing company and to have the chance to work with the best team!

Pattern Designer & Social Media Manager
Hi all! My name is Jessica Luckert and I'm Ellie & Mac's Social Media Manager.
I have a college degree in Aviation, Flight Operations with a minor in Spanish. Although I am a commercial-rated pilot, I don't fly currently, as I have three adorable little boys and an amazing husband that I couldn't bear to be gone from so much.
I sewed a little, prior to discovering PDF patterns. However, I didn't really get into sewing fully until 2017. A friend of mine threw a "Make Your Own Shirt Party." And I was like, what is this printed magic?! I was hooked.
I found Ellie & Mac Patterns fairly early in my PDF sewing journey. Since then, I have been steadily making more and more of the EM patterns. I also enjoy writing about fun pattern hacks and sewing tips on the Ellie & Mac blog.
When I'm not sewing, checking out your projects, or taking care of my family, you'll probably find me in my vegetable garden munching on a carrot while planting seeds.
I'm excited to be part of the Ellie and Mac Team. And of course, to interact with all of you and see your awesome makes!

Testing Manager
Hello, I'm Ashley, a nanny, hairdresser and sewist from London UK. I began sewing over 4 years ago to repair a pair of jeans and I haven't stopped sewing since. I have some experience in the textile industry, knowledge on different types of fabric and have access to a generous supply.
I've always been a big fan of Ellie & Mac patterns as they are easy to follow, stylish and fit really well. When I got the opportunity to become a tester I jumped at the chance. Now I'm a moderator & pattern tester for Ellie and Mac and I lead a small team of test moderators. I enjoy helping and encouraging others to create their own fashion, trying different styles, colours and fabrics. I'm proud to work with such a fabulous team of hard working people. Excited to what the future brings!

Customer Service Representative
Hi Everyone! I’m Yvonne. I’m a stay at home mama to an 8 year old girl and a 5 year old boy, living with my husband in the Netherlands. I am a crafty type – love to crochet, knit, cross stitch, and photography, but sewing is totally my number one! I taught myself to sew about 15 years ago, mostly homey stuff. After our first one was born I started sewing baby carriers and making bags out of wraps.
After about 1 and a half years, I found I could sew clothing as well. I mostly sewed clothes I drew myself and occasionally from a magazine. 3 years ago I came across Ellie & Mac, so I started sewing for myself as well and got hooked.
A year later I became a pattern tester for Ellie and Mac, which I absolutely love to do. And now I also work as a Customer Service Representative and moderator for the Ellie & Mac Facebook Group. I love to help other people with sewing questions where I can!

Admin Assistant
Hello, everyone! I’m Sarah! I met my sweet husband while we were both serving in the Marine Corps. We’ve been married 12 years (as of May 2021). We have two children. Paulyanna (9 years old in 2021) and Bubbie (Notley III) (6 years old in 2021). I’m a stay at home mom and have been homeschooling the kiddos since they each were old enough to start school. We’ve moved all over the U.S. for my husband’s career, but have finally been able to settle down near my hometown in northwestern Wisconsin!
Sewing has always been a part of my life in one way or another. In 2015, I was a stay at home mom with two amazing littles and very little “me-time”. I needed a new hobby. So I bought my first embroidery machine fully thinking, “I know this is a sewing AND embroidery machine, but I’m just going to use it to do applique and embroidery!” Well, that didn’t last long! A few weeks into owning my machine I found a free pattern for an adorable ruffle dress and decided to give it a try for my daughter for Easter.
Life hasn’t been the same since! Sewing has become the perfect and most amazing creative outlet for me. Since joining the testing team in 2019 I’ve had the opportunity to blog, join the brand rep team and grow in so many ways with my sewing through Ellie & Mac! And I’m so blessed to be a part of such an amazing team! Aside from the previous mentioned tasks, I am also an Administrative Assistant!