Hey there, Alisha here with my very first Ellie & Mac Blog Post!! Yippee! So I know some of y’all have seen my Undercover Hoodie Hack in the main group, and I wanted to share how I accomplished this hack.
If you haven’t snagged the Undercover Hoodie pattern, you can do that here: Adult's Undercover Hoodie
Some of y’all may have noticed that I hack a lot of patterns! I love to hack patterns because it lets me add a piece of my own style and still keep the original designers style at the same time. Making for a very interesting piece! So, if you’ve been dying to try hacking your very own pattern, but a little intimidated going out on your own, I’m here to help give you the push you need.
Eeeeekkkk! This is so exciting for me! Now, without further ado, lets get to the hacking shall we!!!
Lets begin by pulling out our Undercover Hoodie Pattern, did you know there was a kids version too! YASSS! This hack can also be done for the kiddos for a perfect Mama and Mini matching set!
Now that we have our Undercover Hoodie Pattern out, lets take a few sheets of blank paper and tape them together (see photo below).
1. Lay your front bodice pattern piece in front of you (see photo to the left). Make sure that the blank pages you taped together are big enough to lay your front bodice piece on. This is how we will “hack” the pocket piece.
2. Lay your front bodice piece on top of the blank pages you taped together in the previous step.
With a pen, marker or other marking tool, trace your front bodice onto the blank pages.
Note: Since this pocket piece has 2 pockets and is symmetrical, it will be cut out on the fold.
3. Now cut out the front piece that you traced out onto the blank pages.
4. Lay the original pocket piece (the pocket piece that comes in the pattern) onto your traced front bodice piece, making sure to align the bottom and the side. (See photos to the right).
Mark the pocket opening onto your new blank front bodice.
5. Now measure over from the fold of the front bodice, on the neckline, how wide you want the top of the pocket to be. I liked mine at 1.5”.
6. Now, with the two marks you just made, fill in the rest of the curve that will be your front pocket piece.
Remember to keep the curve smooth and clean. I like using a pencil for this step, just in case I need to erase and redraw my lines.
7. Lets pull out the original pocket piece one more time so we can mark where the pocket openings will be.
Note: The curve will now be different, so the original pocket piece will not line up with the new pocket piece. This is just to get an idea of how far apart to mark the new pocket openings. Mark the openings.
8. Now that we have transferred all of our markings, we can now cut out the new front pocket piece pattern piece!! Whoop Whoop!!
Note: The new pocket piece is cut on the FOLD, so remember to transfer your markings to both sides of your fabric.
9. To get the new piping pieces, simply just measure along the red line. Since the piping has a 1:1 ratio, there is no stretching involved.
Once you have measured, just cut out two piping pieces the length you just measured. You can use the original piping piece to get the width!
Now that we have all the new pieces that we need for our hack, we can now begin cutting out the fabric! Hotdog!! The new pocket is the same concept as the original, the only difference is, you will be doing two sides for the pocket instead of one. So you can follow along with the original instructions! Feel free to share your new hacked Undercover in the main group! I’m excited to see all the fun and creative Undercover Hoodies y'all make!